RAINHAM’S CORONATION CELEBRATIONS - Part 1 from March 2002 Action Forum 

Many editors, both national and local, have  commented upon the apparent apathy by our people  toward celebrating the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and I  have been comparing this with the coronation celebrations in Rainham in 1953. First I tried to  remember how we lived at that time and I was  surprised at the changes which have occurred.  The population of Rainham was around 10,000,  probably only a quarter of that now and six years  before we had emerged from a damaging and  exhausting war. Certain foods and particularly  building materials were still rationed and licences had  to be obtained even for new wood to carry out  repairs. There were no mobile phones and only a low  percentage of residents had static telephones, most of  which were shared lines. The main means of  communication was still by mail. Council house  building was increasing but licences for individual  private development were very limited, there was no  estate building but a three bedroom pre war house  could be bought for under £1,500. A primary school  had been established in the huts on the old Anti  Aircrafi Battery site in Maidstone Road as there was  no school for infants and juniors south of the .  accommodate the high birth rate of the ‘baby boom’  years immediately after the war. Some of the army  huts were still occupied by squatters. The land  between Rainham Mark and Darland Avenue on the  south side of the A2 was still owned by the War  Department and mainly unused. There was no  Rainham shopping centre, no supermarkets or out of  town shopping. Parkwood was still an attractive  woodland area with a steep grassy bank in the middle  known to us as ‘The Den’.  I doubt if more than a third of householders had a  car but I had recently acquired my first vehicle, a  Scwt Ford van with a bus seat in the back for my  6-year-old son and all cars were coloured black. Most  people still travelled to work by bus or bike and life  was far from easy for many post war newly weds who  still lived with in-laws or in ‘rooms’. Partners living  together would have been frowned upon. I found a  ycopy of a letter which I wrote to the local paper  nphasising the need for a by-pass, the M2 was  "eventually opened in 1963, but no link road was  included in the original design so that had to be  fought for to avoid even more tmffic travelling along  the A2 through Rainham High Street en route to the  link roads in Chatham and Sittingboume.  These were the circumstances under which we  were living when a Public Meeting, which attracted  about 100 residents, was called some eight months  before the Coronation. An organising committee was  then formed with myself as Chairman, which is why I  still have a file to which I can refer. Mr R. Lucas,  Manager of Rainham Co-operative Society, was Vice  Chairman, Mr J. Lewis, Manager of Barclays Bank,  became Treasurer and the Organising Sub-Committee  was chaired by Dr G.O.S. Reid. There were 51 organisations covering many interests in Rainham at  that time and some of them arranged fund raising  events to cover anticipated expenditure. 

Photo of Coronation Party in Holding Street Rainham in 1953

Photo of Coronation Party in Holding Street Rainham in 1953

The events arranged for the great day had to take  account of the increased interest in television as this was the first great national attraction since its  introduction and many people bought their first set  for the occasion. I remember buying a second hand  9-inch set which had to be viewed from a few feet but even that was a great advance on wireless. It was  assumed that many residents would wish to view the actual ceremony and subsequent events until early afternoon so events on 2nd June started around  2.30pm. The Carnival arranged for Wednesday 27th  May had to be cancelled twice before it was  eventually held and some of the events arranged for  Coronation Day were also curtailed by inclement  weather, which was disappointing to many who had  laboured to ensure a happy and successful day.  A copy of the programme had been delivered in  advance to every household and I forget which events  had to be cancelled or restricted.

The RE Cadet Band  opened by playing as they marched along various  roads leading to the Recreation Ground. Other events  included the Peter Pan Starlets, London Mime  Theatre, Tug of War Heats, and a Sheep Dog  Demonstration. It was anticipated that over 1,000  childrenwould attend the free tea which was to be  followed by a Comic Football match, Maypole  Dancing and The Fueding Dudes with Hill Billy  songs. Free tickets were provided for children to  enjoy pony rides, and all types of side shows.  There were 23 races for children aged from 5 up to  l6, the youngest ruiming 80 yards and the 15 and 16  year olds had both cycle and one mile track races. 

The Rainham County Secondary School from  Orchard Street had a House Relay for a Shield whilst  all other lst, 2nd or 3rd places received money  There were many street parties whilst houses,  shops and street standards were decorated,  Gillingham Council also helped by erecting  Coronation Arches across the A2 at West Moor Farm  and outside the Vicarage which at that time was next  to the Post Office. The day ended with a dance in the  Co-operative Hall.  The population seemed to be captivated by the  Coronation of our young Queen and almost everyone  entered into the spirit of the occasion. Rainham was  proud to play its part. 

P.S. Whilst typing this article a radio  announcement has confirmed that the Salisbury Avenue NWA and Residents Association has  cancelled its proposed Golden Jubilee celebrations  due to lack of interest and the cost of insurance!  However, I am pleased to hear that a Community  Project jointly with the Rainham Theatrical Society  and St Margaret’s Church are planning some celebrations.

Freddie Cooper

March 2002



Rainham Photos by Decade

  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent from 1900s

    Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent from 1900s

    Photographs of Rainham, Kent This collection of photos are of Rainham Kent from the 1900s to around 1910 showing life in Rainham around that time with pictures of local shops and trams in the High Street.   Broad Walk, Rainham(Photo:Paul Stevens)   Aerial view of Rainham, 1930 (from Action Forum) Berengrave Lane 1947(Action Forum) Station Road, RainhamApprox 1995(Photo: Eddy Newport)   Station Road, Rainham(Now Caversham Close)Approx 1995(Photo: Eddy Newport) Berengrave Lane 1980Construction of new railway bridge(Photo: Eddy Newport)             National School, Rainham,prior to 1878(Action Forum)   Rainham Church watercolour, approx 1800(Action Forum)   Berengrave House, approx 1920(Action Forum) Watts Chemist, High Street, 1984(Action Forum) Aerial View of Rainham Centre, May 1930(Action Forum) Hops arriving at the oast(Action Forum) Dene Hole discovered during construction of The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980Photo : Andrew James Dene Hole, The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980See Articles page for more detailsPhoto : Andrew James Dene Hole discovered in The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980 Photo : Andrew James       Manor Farm restaurant, Maidstone Road/A2 junction. Originally built as a gas showroom in 1926, converted approx 20 years ago to pub restaurant and recently refurbished.(Action Forum)  
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1950s

    Old Historical Photographs of Rainham, Kent from the 1950s Belisha Beacon pub, now Domino's Pizza at Rainham Mark   Rainham High Street looking towards Barclays Bank Rainham Mark looking towards Rainham The Cricketers Pub Rainham Tudor Grove Coronation party 1953 Rainham station with Oast in the distance Rainham High Street looking towards church Street party in Herbert Road in 1953 for Queen Elizabeth II coronation
  • Old Historical Photographs of Rainham - 1920s and 1930s

    Old Photos of Rainham Kent from the 1920s and 1930s Historical Photographs of Rainham, Kent: Gallery Three The Edwards family fruit picking at Walnut Tree Farm, Lower Rainham Road. The 1907 Victoria plum harvest is proudly shown. (Action Forum July 2004)   Marshall Road , approx 1929 Marshall Road Rainham approx 1932  
  • Old Photos of Rainham in the 1970s

    These photos of Rainham were taken in the 1970s prior to the construction of the shopping centre as you can still see the school at the top of Station Road.  Betabake & International Stores in High Street A2 Rainham. Other photos in this set include White Horse pub, Harris & Bone estate agents, Liptons Supermarket in High Street Rainham, Midland Bank/Hidsons, Natwest Bank, P Duff Opticians, Prestige Launderette, Rainham library, Seeboard, Cricketers pub, Ward & Partner estate agents and Beveridges the chemist .  And these are some photos of the same locations taken in 2014, attempting to get same angles and photo
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1990s

    Photos of Rainham from the 1990s View looking down Station Road towards Childscroft Road and parade of shops on the left
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 2000s

    Photos of Rainham in the 2000s
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1960s

    Photos of Rainham from the 1960s. This isn't a decade that is well represented so if you have any photos please email them in Finwell Road in 1967
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1980s

    Photos of Rainham taken in the 1980s    
  • Farm Shop & Bayswater High Street Rainham 1987

    The Farm Shop & Bayswater were located on 164/162 High Street Rainham. This photo was taken in 1987 showing both shops together. These shops are now (2021) occupied by BK Fire and Linehans Hair salon. The same location in 2021