The Railway Crash Disaster of August 1944

One of the most serious incidents experienced locally in World War Two took place in August 1944 when a German V1 rocket, known as a doodle bug, destroyed the bridge in Oak Lane Upchurch shortly before a train approached resulting in a tragic accident causing death, injury and chaos.

According to Peter Wood’s research at ‘Kent History Forum’ dated September 4th 2013, in the afternoon of August 16th flight lieutenant John Malloy of the RAF chased a V1 rocket in his ‘Tempest’ fighter plane over Kent. In his combat report Malloy wrote that he tried to shoot the rocket down without success then closed in on it and managed to flip it over with the wing of his plane. This worked and the rocket sped downwards but by sheer bad luck it landed almost under the bridge in Oak Lane and not in the surrounding fields. It exploded and completely destroyed the structure. It also killed a railway worker who was sheltering underneath.

As the 3-35 pm Victoria to Ramsgate train with about 400 passengers aboard approached the bridge from Rainham, the driver didn’t notice a problem until he saw smoke directly ahead but it was too late. Both he and the fireman desperately tried to stop the train but they failed and the engine tender and three carriages crashed heavily into the gap. ‘The East Kent Gazette’ of August 1944 reported that the engine was turned upside down and the front two carriages were crushed. The third coach mounted the wreckage in front and the fourth coach was left hanging over the gap where the bridge had previously stood. Passengers jumped from the carriages to help the trapped and injured. Seven passengers were killed in the front two carriages and the body of the dead railway worker who had been killed in the rocket explosion lay on the ground nearby.


The Upchurch Rainham Train/Railway Train Crash Disaster of August 1944

With the train and carriages damaged and strewn over the embankment and in the gap where the bridge had stood, the ground was littered with wounded passengers who had been thrown out of the carriages, onto the track and down the embankment.

Miraculously, both the driver and the fireman survived without serious injury. After clambering from the wreck the fireman ran along the track in the direction of the Newington signal box to issue a warning for fear of a train coming from the opposite direction. Luckily, the train travelling to London had already been held up at Sittingbourne otherwise the disaster could have been much worse.

Doctors, ambulances, passers-by and members of the local WRVS were soon on the scene to help the casualties while the nearby transport café known as ‘The Rest Tea Rooms’ situated opposite on the A2 was turned into a temporary hospital as doctors and medical staff rushed to the scene to help. Most of the injured were eventually taken to St Bart’s Hospital in Rochester for emergency treatment.

 According to ‘The East Gazette’ of August 1944 12 passengers were killed and 34 injured although more recent research suggests that less were killed and far more injured.

After the wreckage had been cleared a new bridge was constructed in November 1944 at a cost of £3,800 and it still exists today. The disaster turned out to be the most serious and tragic incident to hit the area during World War Two. 



Rainham Photos by Decade

  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent from 1900s

    Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent from 1900s

    Photographs of Rainham, Kent This collection of photos are of Rainham Kent from the 1900s to around 1910 showing life in Rainham around that time with pictures of local shops and trams in the High Street.   Broad Walk, Rainham(Photo:Paul Stevens)   Aerial view of Rainham, 1930 (from Action Forum) Berengrave Lane 1947(Action Forum) Station Road, RainhamApprox 1995(Photo: Eddy Newport)   Station Road, Rainham(Now Caversham Close)Approx 1995(Photo: Eddy Newport) Berengrave Lane 1980Construction of new railway bridge(Photo: Eddy Newport)             National School, Rainham,prior to 1878(Action Forum)   Rainham Church watercolour, approx 1800(Action Forum)   Berengrave House, approx 1920(Action Forum) Watts Chemist, High Street, 1984(Action Forum) Aerial View of Rainham Centre, May 1930(Action Forum) Hops arriving at the oast(Action Forum) Dene Hole discovered during construction of The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980Photo : Andrew James Dene Hole, The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980See Articles page for more detailsPhoto : Andrew James Dene Hole discovered in The Goldings, off Marshall Road, approx 1980 Photo : Andrew James       Manor Farm restaurant, Maidstone Road/A2 junction. Originally built as a gas showroom in 1926, converted approx 20 years ago to pub restaurant and recently refurbished.(Action Forum)  
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1950s

    Old Historical Photographs of Rainham, Kent from the 1950s Belisha Beacon pub, now Domino's Pizza at Rainham Mark   Rainham High Street looking towards Barclays Bank Rainham Mark looking towards Rainham The Cricketers Pub Rainham Tudor Grove Coronation party 1953 Rainham station with Oast in the distance Rainham High Street looking towards church Street party in Herbert Road in 1953 for Queen Elizabeth II coronation
  • Old Historical Photographs of Rainham - 1920s and 1930s

    Old Photos of Rainham Kent from the 1920s and 1930s Historical Photographs of Rainham, Kent: Gallery Three The Edwards family fruit picking at Walnut Tree Farm, Lower Rainham Road. The 1907 Victoria plum harvest is proudly shown. (Action Forum July 2004)   Marshall Road , approx 1929 Marshall Road Rainham approx 1932  
  • Old Photos of Rainham in the 1970s

    These photos of Rainham were taken in the 1970s prior to the construction of the shopping centre as you can still see the school at the top of Station Road.  Betabake & International Stores in High Street A2 Rainham. Other photos in this set include White Horse pub, Harris & Bone estate agents, Liptons Supermarket in High Street Rainham, Midland Bank/Hidsons, Natwest Bank, P Duff Opticians, Prestige Launderette, Rainham library, Seeboard, Cricketers pub, Ward & Partner estate agents and Beveridges the chemist .  And these are some photos of the same locations taken in 2014, attempting to get same angles and photo
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1990s

    Photos of Rainham from the 1990s View looking down Station Road towards Childscroft Road and parade of shops on the left
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 2000s

    Photos of Rainham in the 2000s
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1960s

    Photos of Rainham from the 1960s. This isn't a decade that is well represented so if you have any photos please email them in Finwell Road in 1967
  • Old Photographs of Rainham, Kent - 1980s

    Photos of Rainham taken in the 1980s    
  • Farm Shop & Bayswater High Street Rainham 1987

    The Farm Shop & Bayswater were located on 164/162 High Street Rainham. This photo was taken in 1987 showing both shops together. These shops are now (2021) occupied by BK Fire and Linehans Hair salon. The same location in 2021