
Are you able to help please?

Myself and other enthusiastic volunteers are currently undertaking research into the large  Oast House which stands beside Rainham railway station. It is the home to the Rainham and Wigmore Community Association (RWCA) run by volunteers for the local community.

We are trying to build up a picture of the history of this wonderful old building, which was built in the late 1800s. We are looking back to it’s original use as an Oast House and as the main Office for the Wakeley Brothers many businesses and on through the 20th century, up until the present day.

The Oast House was sold in the early 1970s and the dedicated committee and members of RWCA spent many hours of ‘blood, sweat and (no doubt) tears’ in getting the money and resources together to convert this massive building suitable for the community to use, in whatever way they desired.

There was a row of cottages alongside the Oast which were demolished as part of the conversion project in the 1970s. They were known as Platform Row.

Does anyone have any recollections of these cottages or have any links with anyone who lived there?

We have uncovered a wonderful sketch of the Oast House, in it’s heyday, which features Platform Row too. Is there anyone who knows who the artist was?

Any tales, photographs or stories relating to Oast House in it’s working life, or since it became the Community Centre would be gratefully received.

Please could you let me know whether you can ask these questions on your Rainham History website and the best way for me to receive any information, which might come from such an appeal?

Would I be able to email the sketch I refer to, for addition to the site too?

We have gathered some information, but considering we are talking about the history of a building which is well over 100 years old….there’s not a great deal!

Many thanks.

I appreciate any help you can offer.

Maggie Francis (volunteer)