Dear All


I am writing to inform you of an event, which you may find you would like to cover as a news story or article as it is quite exciting/interesting!


This year Bredhurst school will be 150 years old. We are a very traditional C of E village school, and every year for the past 150 years we have celebrated our ‘May Day’ event, during which all the children dress in period costume for a street parade and traditional may pole dancing.


This year we plan to celebrate our special birthday in style! Saturday 20th May has been made an official school day by our head teacher, Mrs Cox.


We are trying to get hold of as many previous May Queens and May Kings as possible to join in our special celebrations! So far we have found quite a few, one of 100 years old! As well as several others.


We would be grateful if you would help us to track down more of the previous Kings and Queens by advertising our quest! We would like for people to contact the school, stating the year they served, and giving their address so we could send them a formal invitation.


We are also hoping to unveil some sort of memorial on the day to mark the occasion.


We would also welcome any journalists/photographers on the day. The event is 1pm-4pm on 20th May 2017.


Many thanks for your support, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Kind regards


Tracey Bond

Vice Chair, Friends of Bredhurst School