My name is Sara Blincoe and I am trying to find some living ancestors of Ernest Finnes.I am the Librarian at Ringwood School in Hampshire. We have something that we would like to give to his family.

 He lived in Rainham in a butchers shop which was on the High Street. I believe it was called Walter J Finnes. Walter was his brother.
 He married in 1917 to Nellie Allner and was killed in the war  23/03/18. I also have another address from the CWGC of Durland House Rainham.

His wife died in 1975 in Weymouth in Dorset and does not seem to have re married.
According to the 1901 census he was part of a large family : Walter,John,Herbert,Fanny,Caroline and Edith and I was wondering if any of the family are still in the area?

I hope you can help me.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.