Gillingham Grammar School 1934, "Grange House" swimming, cricket, athletics teams.

My dad Maurice Nancollas 1919-1982. athletics team is third row, 5th in from left and lived at 20 Locano Avenue at the time. Dad was also capped for rugby team.

I believe Dr Barnard was the head Master at the time. 
i believe there were some Rainham boys in this pic but sadly don't have any names. Maybe someone will recognise family members.

I remember dad had friends at school but dont know if they are in photo:-
G.J. (Micky) Bryant died during war lost in a sunderland over the north sea
Geoff Moon died in a training accident with his instructor at RAF flying school near Salisbury Wiltshire.
Stan Eldridge
Les Phillips who owned an electrical shop on the top road Watling Street

Michael Nancollas

Gillingham grammar school 1934



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