Shops in Station Road in the 1940s and 1950s

I am writing to say how much I enjoyed Dick Grice’s recollections of shops in Station Road in the November edition of AF. It brought back many memories of the people and smells associated with the
shops after so many years. I was born in I940 in The Mackland Arms. My Mum and Dad, Norah and Joe Gillman, ran the pub for over 20 years. My husband and I now live in Dorset but Rainham will always be
“home” to me.

Dick finished his account by suggesting that others may have fond memories of other shops that he omitted. Between Henry street and William Street was a little general shop run by Mrs Files. I can picture her
cutting out coupons from customers’ ration books with scissors secured to the counter with string. I was told my sister once took me in my pram to Mrs Briggs sweetshop. She was enjoying her purchases so much
she forgot to bring me home. At 97, just above Briggs, Celia O’Brien ran a betting shop from her front room where she sat at a high desk.

I was often tasked with dropping off a bet on the horses written on a piece of paper wrapped round a two shilling coin. At the top of Station Road just down from the Co-op was another fish shop run by Mr and
Mrs Cracknell. Coming back down that side was an off licence and next door a corn merchants run by Mr Clout where I collected meal to add to cooked potato peelings to feed our chickens. Another shop smell I
recall is boiling beetroot in Arnolds the greengrocers. On the comer of Station Road and Hothfield, opposite Amolds, was Miles Bros Lemonade factory. Just down from there was Dennis the butcher and another shop
on the comer with Solomon road but I cannot remember what they sold. 

Margaret Jordan



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