For years I've noticed a sign on a dead end road as a drive out of Hempstead so I finally stopped and got a few photos. This was a road that I remember driving down when I was learning to drive and shortly afterwards was closed. I've not found any information why Chapel Lane in Hempstead was closed to traffic in 1987 but the road remains in place with just a gate blocking the entry.

Chapel Lane Hempstead Closed 1987


Chapel Lane Hempstead runs from Forge Lane (which leads to Bredhurst) near the junction with Lidsing Road through Chapel Hill Woods and joins Hempstead Valley drive near Savacentre/Hempstead Valley shopping centre M&S entrance. The road is still shown on Google maps with no indication of its closure. The road is narrow and maybe was unsuitable for large numbers of vehicles but would ease traffic on the Capstone Road/Hempstead Road junctions.


Chapel Lane Hempstead Closed 1987

Some more information about Chapel Lane and the Chapel of St Mary Magdalene, Lydsing is here

Chapel Lane Hempstead Closed